Minor in Latin American Studies
Courses for Fall 2024
The minor in Latin American studies is a great compliment to any major.
The minor in Latin American Studies consists of a minimum of 15 units of Latin American content courses, with a minimum of 12 units of upper division courses. In addition, all students must demonstrate language competency equivalent to that normally attained through one college semester of Spanish, Portuguese, or Mixtec.
All students must complete Latin American Studies 101 and two upper division courses from two of the three course groups listed below. Maximum six units from any one department.
- Latin American Studies 350, 366 [or Political Science 366], 370, 415 [or History 415], 420, 430 [or Political Science 430], 498, 580
- Chicana and Chicano Studies 340A, 350A, 375
- Economics 365, 464
- Health and Human Services 350
- History 416, 550, 551, 557, 558, 580*
- Political Science 361, 482, 566, 568
- Public Health 362
*Acceptable when of relevant content with consent of adviser
- Latin American Studies 320, 355 [or Chicana and Chicano Studies 355], 550, 580
- Anthropology 350, 439, 440, 442, 520, 529, 533, 582*, 583*
- Chicana and Chicano Studies 554
- Geography 324, 554*
- Political Science 564
- Sociology 350, 522, 554
- Women’s Studies 310*, 512
*Acceptable when of relevant content with consent of adviser
- Latin American Studies 307 [or Portuguese 307], 310 [or Chicana and Chicano Studies 310], 380 [or Chicana and Chicano Studies 380], 400 [or Chicana and Chicano Studies 400], 580
- Chicana and Chicano Studies 376
- Comparative Literature 445, 580*
- English 519*
- Portuguese 443
- Spanish 341, 342, 402, 502, 515
*Acceptable when of relevant content with consent of adviser
Courses numbered 495, 496, 498, 499, and 596 from all participating departments, with appropriate content, are acceptable for elective credit with approval of the adviser. Courses in the minor may not be counted toward the major, but may be used to satisfy preparation for the major and general education requirements, if applicable. A minimum of six upper division units must be completed in residence at San Diego State University. In designing their Latin American studies programs for a minor, students may not include courses drawn from their major department.
Important Documents
Important Links
- Latin American Studies Student Organization (LASSO)
- SDSU Class Schedule
- SDSU Catalog
- Major Academic Plan
Robert Guzmán
Email: [email protected]