Tinker Field Research Grant
Tinker Field Research Grants fund the travel and partial logistical costs of graduate
students who will be doing preliminary research in Latin America. The objective of
this grant is to provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves into
their perspective fields and attain language knowledge, cultural background, initiate
research contacts, network with institutions and possible informants and/or research
projects, and gather preliminary research data.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must attend an information session to apply.
- Must be enrolled in a Master’s degree program, Ph.D., or a professional degree program.
- Grant can only be used for preliminary research in 2025.
Tinker Application | Instructions for Proposal Narrative
Deadline to apply: March 17, 2025.
To learn more please contact Anahi Martinez (Study Abroad Coordinator) [email protected].
Past Recipients of the Grant
- Arturo Avalos: Deutsche-Mexicana: German Involvement in the History of the Municipality of Chapala
- Kristina Brandveen: “Gluing is Safer than Cutting Leather”: A Qualitative Exploratory Study of Using Carcinogenic
Industrial Products through Photovoice in Shoemaking Workshops of Ticul, Yucatán
- Leticia Camacho: Identifying potential avenues for positive epidemiology centered interventions to
combat the effects of social determinants of health affecting maternal mortality rates
in rural Oaxacan indigenous communities
- Vanessa Castro: Linguistic Attitudes in the Classroom: Perspectives of Teachers in a Dual-Immersion
- Erica Davis: Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes From a Syndemic Perspective
- Alexandra Escobar: Tasting Nostalgia: Social Coping Strategies Among Oaxaca Elderly
- Lauren Gomez:The Impact of NAFTA on Farmworkers in San Quintin
- Irene Gonzalez: Community Museums in Oaxaca
- Anahi Lopez: Study of Linguistic Landscapes South of the US-Mexico Border
- Anahí Martinez: Language Loss & Shift WIthin La Mixteca Baja
- Morgan Newport: Exploring the Relationship between Transnational Feminist Networks and Global Health
- Julio Rodriquez: Deported U.S. Veterans: Construction of Academic Transnational Networks Across Mexico
- Maya Valdez: Exploring the Availability of and Access to Mental Health Services Amongst Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca
- Abilene Ayala: “Proyecto Rio Verde” Mexico; student in MA Anthropology program
- Katia Ayala: “Lost Voices: The 1954 Guatemalan Coup Revisited Through Oral History” Guatemala; student in MA Latin American Studies program
- Kristina Brandveen: “Risk Perception of Benzene in Shoe-Making Workshops of Ticul, Yucatán” Mexico; student in PhD Global Health program
- Zachery Clow: “Examining ancient health and disease in the lower Río Verde Valley, Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MA Anthropology program
- Katherine Diaz: “Rio Verde Project 2023” Mexico; student in MA Anthropology program
- Yaneli Gonzalez-Barrios: “The Impact of Japanese Animation Industry in Mexico” Mexico; student in MA Latin American Studies program
- Irene Gonzalez: “Museum Decolonization” Mexico; student in MA Latin American Studies program
- Marina Katague: “Understanding community violence and health-seeking behaviors: a qualitative study
among youth in Porto Alegre, Brazil” Brazil; student in PhD Global Health program
- Jazmin Luna: “Indigenous Women’s Leadership and Political Participation in Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MA/MPH program
- Theresa Perez: “An Investigation into the Relationship between Water Access and Gender Inequity in
Peru-Uban Communities of Lima, Peru” Peru, student in MA/MPH program
- Lisbet Ruiz: “Exploring access to sexual and reproductive health services amongst indigenous women
from Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MA/MPH program
- Jacquelyn Vasquez: “Invisibility, marginalization, and identity among Afro-Mexican women in the Costa Chica region of Guerrero, Mexico” Mexico; student in MA Latin American Studies program
- Elaine Aguayo: “A longitudinal study of occupational markers and trauma in the Rio Viejo population
of Oaxaca, Mexico” Mexico; student in the Anthropology program
- Abilene Ayala: “Proyecto Rio Verde 2022” Mexico; student in MA Anthropology program
- Zachery Clow: “Examining ancient health in the lower Rio Verde Valley, Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MA Anthropology program
- Leslie Lopez: “Medical decision making in Mani, Yucatan” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Jazmin Luna: “Exploring effects of gender-based violence towards indigenous women in Oaxaca.” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Marian Marian: “Health complications that women face in Oaxaca” Mexico; student in PhD Global Health Program
- Galilea Patricio: “Gender-based violence as a public health issue in Mexico City” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Theresa Perez: “The economic water scarcity and linked waterborne diseases present within informal
settlements of Lima.” Peru; student in MPH/MA program
- Sophia Rodriguez: “Cultural preservation and language revitalization strategies through tourism in Cusco
and Huaraz, Peru”; student in MPH/MA program
- Lisbet Ruiz: “Domestic violence amongst Indigenous women in Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Maximiliano Trujillo: “Formation of a nation through mestizaje in Mexico” Mexico; student in MA program
- Ysabel Gonzalez: “Humanitarian critique of economic sanctions on Cuba” Cuba; student in the MA program POL SC program
- Anabel Gutierrez: “Haitian Migrant Diaspora in Tijuana: Reconnecting to a Sense of Self and Community
Through Food” Mexico; student in the MA program
- Leslie Lopez: “Type II Diabetes in Indigenous Communities” Mexico; student in the MPH/MA program
- Maximiliano Trujillo: “Mestizaje as a National Identity in Mexico” Mexico; student in the MA program
- Naomi Ramirez: “Impacts of Deportation on Muslims' Academic Trajectories and Livelihood in Baja California, Mexico”; student in PhD in Education
- Gabriel Carrasco: “High Resolution Mapping of Micro-environmental Regulators of Malaria in the Peruvain
Amazon” Peru; student in PhD Global Health Program
- Diego Ceballos: “Health from Below: Notions of Wellbeing According to the Zapatistas” Mexico; student in the MPH/MA program
- Elybeth Alcantar: “Education and Tu’un Savi Language Resuscitation in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MA program
- Sophia Rodriguez: Sophia Rodriguez: “Organizational Factors Conducive to Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program Implementation
in Argentina” Argentina; student in MPH/MA program
- Stephanie Vera: “Mental Health Services for Returning Migrants in Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Maria J. Mendoza: “The Political and Social Challenges of Municipal Waste Management in Guatemala” Guatemala; student in MPA/MA program
- Marian Marian: "Dietary Changes and Migration in Oaxaca" Mexico; student in PhD Global Health Program
- Beckner, Jennifer: “An Introduction to Culture bound beliefs and health seeking practices in rural Paraguay” Paraguay; student in MPH/MA program
- Betancourt, Ricardo: “U.S. Born Students in the Mexican Education System” Mexico; student in MA LATAM program
- Calvario, Velma: “Nahuatl Literacy Creation: Empowering the language through its writing” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Carrasco, Gabriel: “Role of the human population mobility in the malaria epidemiology in the Peruvian
Amazon” Peru; student in PhD Global Health program
- Diaz de Regules, Paola: “NGOs Role: Food Security Policy and Service Provision in Mexico” Mexico; student in MPA/MA program
- Fox, Alexandra: “Investigating water quality and human fecal contamination in the Tijuana River and
its human and ecological impacts at the San Diego-Tijuana Border” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Ibarra, Martin: “Latino Immigrant Health, pre and post migration” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Juarez, Jorge: “Health Communication in Mexico's Public Sector” Mexico; student in MA COMM program
- Lorona, Ivette: “Health promotion services for Central American migrants in Chiapas” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Miller, Scott: “Archeological survey of the Oaxacan Cost” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Orndoff, Samuel: “Indigenous social movements in Nayarit” Mexico; student in MA GEOG program
- Sandoval, Hannah: “Integrating Migrant and Refugee Students into the Colombian Education System” Colombia; student in MA LATAM program
- Schwarz, Lara: “Exploring the effect of air pollution on Peruvian children’s risk of influenza virus
infection” Peru; student in PhD Global Health program
- Simpson, Noelle: “Disaster & emergency preparedness for people with mobility impairments” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Torres, Amelia: “A comparative evaluation of rates of cesarean and vaginal birth in Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Baker, Pieter: “Health Impact of Immigrant Enforcement and Location Displacement -Proyecto Hielo” Mexico; student in PhD Global Health program
- Beckner, Jennifer: “Dissemination & Implementation of Dengue Prevention Intervention in Rural Paraguay” Paraguay; student in MPH/MA program
- Camargo, Esther: “Ciclovia using a Public Health Approach” Colombia; student in MPH/MA program
- Huaroc, Juliana: “The Precarious Conditions of Female Seasonal Agricultural Labor & Substantial Housing
in Oaxaca and Chile” Chile; student in MPA/MA program
- Milla, Mari: “Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Mental Health Outcomes in Peruvian Women: An
Ecological Approach” Peru; student in MPH/MA program
- Pereira, Jessica: “Zika Virus and the 2016 Olympics: How Media Influenced Health during an Epidemic
in Brazil” Brazil; student in MA ANTH program
- Simpson, Noelle: “Physical Disability Health Resources in Peri-urban Spaces in Oaxaca” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Tenenbaum, Jesse: “A Paradox on Easter Island: Tourism as a driver of Rapunuiztion and chilenization” Chile; student in MA GEOG program
- Trompeter Rolon, Stefanie: “Tekopora and Female Paraguayan Migration” Paraguay; student in MPA/MA program
- Alcoser, Gustavo: “Danza de los Diablos: The Negotiation between Racial Politics and Cultural Expression” Mexico; student in MA LATAM program
- Arango, Andrea: “Colombian Process of Democratization: Toward a General Theory of Democratic Consolidation” Colombia; student in MA POL SCI program
- Friedman, Sarah: “Reproductive Life Plan and Violence in Guerrero, Mexico” Mexico; student in MPH MA program
- Hendrickson, Erik: “Associations between Tobacco Smoking and Tuberculosis in Brazil” Brazil; student in PhD Global Health program
- Martinez, Isela: “Exploring Increased Health Risks of Adolescents who are Children of Migrants in Tunkas,
Yucatan” Mexico; student in MPH MA program
- Mellnik, Casey: “MST Education in Brazil” Brazil; student in MA LATAM program
- Moosekian, Adriana: “El Lunfardo: Una Perspectiva Contemporanea hacia el Habla Porteno” Argentina; student in MA SPANISH program
- Oliver, Andrew: “An Incongruity in Indexes and Surveys: The Salvadoran Irregularity” El Salvador; student in MA LATAM program
- Perez, Grecia: “Negotiating Development in Rural Mexico” Mexico; student in MA LATAM program
- Rodriguez, Alana: “Cuban Reproductive Health Care Policy and Practice: The Paradox of Women's Reproductive
Health Rights” Cuba, student in MPH/MA program
- Spoelstra, Eric: “Andean Religious Expressions through Music and Worship” Peru & Ecuador; student in MA HIST program
- Wolf, Deanna: “Addressing Causes of Migration at the Community Level as U.S. Policy Alternatives” Mexico; student in MPA MA program
- Aceves, Benjamin: “Implementing Latin American Obesity Prevention Practices into US Schools in the Border
Region” Mexico; student in MPH MA program
- Armendariz, Heidi: “Examining the Factors that Cause El Salvador to Lag in the Fair Trade Movement for
Coffee Production” El Salvador; student in MA ANTH program
- Faber, Jackson: “Analyzing US-Mexico Border Transformations and Their Influences throughout Mexico” Mexico; student in MA HIST program
- Howard, Laurel: “Climate Change Sensitivity and Adaptation in the Ecuadorian Amazon” Ecuador; student in MA GEOG program
- Lopez, Mayra: “Examining Globalization and Diaspora during the Porfiriato” Mexico; student in MA HIST program
- Lowery, Curtis: “Understanding Business Practices of Social Entrepreneurship Enterprises in Central
America” Honduras; student in MBA MA program
- Madewell, Zachary: “Relationships between Tobacco Use and Tuberculosis in Brazil” Brazil; student in MPH program
- Meinhard, Sonja Orsini: “Twice Undocumented: The Challenges of Stateless Mexican Migrant Youth in Southern
California” Mexico & Guatemala; student in MA LATAM program
- Morris, Olea Elizabeth: “Social Networks and Sustainable Food Production in Mexico” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Parbat, Gaurav: “Fostering Entrepreneurship in Latin America” Mexico; student in MBA program
- Perez, Grecia: “Resisting Rural Development in Mexico” Mexico; student in MA LATAM program
- Vega, Roberto: “Bioarchaeological Analysis of the Lower Rio Verde region of Oaxaca, Mexico” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Weisberg, Bethany: “The Bioarchaeological Analysis of the Cerro de la Crus (400-500 BC) Lower Rio Verde Region of Coastal Oaxaca, Mexico” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Guzman, Joana: “Popular Representations and Artistic Displays of Afro-Mexican Culture” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Graham, Michelle: “Zapotec Ceramic Production and its Implications for the Economic Adaptation of Migrant
Women in Baja California” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Huizar, Jose: “Long-Term Structural Changes to Familial Ties Due to Emigration” Mexico; student in MA ANTH program
- Juarez, Gerardo: “Childhood in the Enculturation Process” Mexico; student in M LATAM program
- Kennedy, Elizabeth: “Central American Responses to Unaccompanied Child Migrants” El Salvador; student in PhD GEOG
- Mancilla Corona, Lorena: “Contexto Politico/economico de la obra de Pedro Juan Gutierrez” Cuba; student in MA SPAN program
- Nunez, Miguel: “Kaqchikel Maya Language, A Vernacular Choice to Foreign/Colonial/National Hispanic-Latin
and Anglo-Germanic Languages of Anahuac (Mesoamerica)” Guatemala; student in MA LATAM program
- Pacheco, Blanco: “Exploring the Context of Diabetes in Three Guatemalan Communities” Guatemala; student in MPH MA program
- Rodriguez, Alana: “Cultural Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health in Mexico” Mexico; student in MPH/MA program
- Wiarco, Dolores: “Culinary Tourism in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis” Mexico; student in MBA/MA program
- Van Ramshorst, Jared: “Towards a Politics of Economic Possibilities: Networks of Transnationalism in Oaxaca,
MX” Mexico; student in MA GEOG program
- Von Borstel, Veronica: “Colonial Legacy of Sugar Production in Mexico” Mexico; student in MA LATAM program
Tinker Field Collaborative Roundtable
Moderator: Ramona L. Pérez, Professor of Anthropology, San Diego State University
- Alana Ackerman, PhD Candidate in Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Yhovana Karen Chura Cussi, MA Student in Latin American Studies, University of Florida
- Catie Prechtel, PhD Candidate in Latin American Studies, Tulane University
- Irene Farah Rivadeneyra, PhD candidate, City & Regional Planning, UC Berkeley
- Anne Ruelle, PhD Student in Social Work, University of Chicago
- Roberto Young, MA Student in Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin
This panel discussion focused on the various challenges students faced in preparing for and completing fieldwork, as well as the ways in which students were able to integrate new approaches, methods, and/or technologies into their work. Some questions that were addressed are the type of institutional barriers that students face when requesting authorization to conduct research (financial, bureaucratic, etc.). What new tools have students incorporated to conduct research considering pandemic-related obstacles, how has the pandemic affected field research methodology, interactions with respondents/participants in the field, timeline, and budget, what type of new training is needed, and what new opportunities are students finding with evolving technology and connectedness (pre-, during, and post-field work).