UCSD Exchange Program
In 1985 the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University formed a Latin American Studies Consortium and were funded as one of the twelve Title VI National Resource Centers for Latin American Studies in the United States.
As part of this consortium a collaborative graduate student exchange program was implemented. The purpose of this program is to expand the curriculum available to graduate students of Latin American Studies. This is not a joint degree. Students take classes as guests of the host campus, which are automatically transferred back to their home campus and applied to their own Master’s program.
How to Register
This program is open only to graduate students who have good academic standing at their respective institutions. Students must obtain signatures from both institutions before turning in the application to their own home campus Graduate Office. The host campus graduate office will need a copy of the application in order to register the student. The form must be turned in at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the quarter or semester. Remember that the two universities are on different schedules.
Students may enroll for up to two courses at the host institution and must maintain their full time status through a combination of the courses taken at UCSD and SDSU. Courses count one for one between the two universities.
The University of California, San Diego courses are numbered: 100s-upper division, 200s and 400s – graduate level. At San Diego State University courses are numbered 300s and 400s – upper division and 500 and above – graduate level. Students engaging in the exchange are subject to the policies (add, drop, grading, etc.) of the campus.
How to Apply
Before beginning the application process, please make sure to meet with your graduate advisor and discuss the approval of the courses you are planning to take to ensure that it meets your graduate requirements.