

1942 The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) was founded at SDSU.

1959 Founded an undergraduate concentration program.



1967 CLAS began offering graduate degrees.

1969 CLAS is officially recognized as an autonomous academic and research center. separated from the Department of History.



1976 CLAS is nationally recognized as one of the first Title VI Latin American National Resource Centers in the nation.



1985 CLAS formed the San Diego Consortium (SDC) with the Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies at UCSD.

Early 1990s CLAS begins to offer trans-border curricula, partnering with the Center for Human Rights in Tijuana. B.C.



2001 CLAS begins a collaboration (VIIDAI) with the Graduate School of Public Health (SDSU). the School of Medicine (UCSD), and the School of Medicine at UABC Norte.

2004 CLAS becomes the first university center in the United States that offers Mixtec language instruction. SDSU remains the only university to offer Mixtec courses.

2006 CLAS begins to offer Zapotec and Nahuatl as language courses.



2014 CLAS partnered with the Western Hemispheric Institute of the Americas at UC Davis to create the California Consortium for Latin America.

2016 CLAS formed a consortium with the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF) in Tijuana, B.C.

Currently, CLAS is seeking to create a graduate level Latin American emphasis in Environmental Sustainability, Social Justice, and International Business